

CEO @ Storytell. Chairman of Armory. Advisor at FounderCulture.

Socialize Was Acquired by ShareThis. Here's What The Experience Was Like.

Socialize Was Acquired by ShareThis. Here's What The Experience Was Like.

As was reported in TechCrunch today [http://techcrunch.com/2013/03/20/sharethis-aims-for-mobile-with-23m-series-c-led-by-t-venture-acquisition-of-social-app-platform-socialize/] , we've just signed a deal to sell our startup Socialize [http://www.getsocialize.com/] to ShareThis [http://www.sharethis.com/]. Although having a successful exit is a dream for many entrepreneurs, I find myself feeling

Post-Deal Best Practices In the Socialize Acquisition by ShareThis

Post-Deal Best Practices In the Socialize Acquisition by ShareThis

This post is a work in progress, since we’re just now selling our company Socialize to ShareThis. I also wrote about how the experience feels [http://danielodio.com/socialize-is-being-acquired-by-sharethis-heres-what-the-experience-is-like] , and what getting a deal done is like [http://danielodio.com/selling-socialize-to-sharethis-a-description-of-the-deal-process] . One of my goals is to ensure a