

CEO @ Storytell. Chairman of Armory. Advisor at FounderCulture.

Outfitter Pop Up review: Good designs, poor quality control

Outfitter Pop Up review: Good designs, poor quality control

My wife Sue and I recently decided to take a trip to Colorado to visit the pop-up manufacturers out here: Outfitter [http://www.outfittermfg.com/], Hallmark [https://lifewetravel.com/hallmark-rv-the-best-of-the-soft-side-pop-up-campers] and Phoenix [https://lifewetravel.com/phoenix-pop-ups-truly-custom-but-questionable-worksmanship] (we also ended up taking a look at EarthRoamer [https://lifewetravel.com/earthroamer-expedition-vehicles]). We