entrepreneur Is Entrepreneurism Due To Nature, or Nurture? An Interview with Eric. I just got off a Skype video chat with Eric Wilker [https://www.linkedin.com/pub/eric-wilker/7/956/21a], who is an Executive MBA student at USC in addition to being SVP of Business Planning & Operations at Warner Bros. He had to interview an entrepreneur as a part
Hustler's MBA The Hustler's MBA I've been saying that college is obsolete for a very long time. I dropped out in 2000, because even back then I could see that it was a really poor value proposition. I didn't predict this because I'm some crazy genius, but because I&
API APIs: Ambassadors of the Tech Industry OK I'll admit it: I'm an API-oholic. I'm addicted to APIs. In the nerdy tech world, APIs are old news, but to most regular folks, the term APIs is just a confusing acronym. It is my goal to de-mystify the API a bit in