Great #Startupism Conference in SF
Thanks to @SpacemonkeyMike for tipping me off to the recent Startupism conference in San Francisco, a two day conference that brought together more than 400 entrepreneurs and speakers like Phil McKinney, the ex CTO of Hewlett Packard, Chris Redlitz, a fantastic investor from Transmedia, Robert Scoble, Steve Jurvetson of venture capital firm DFJ and many others.
I was able to capture video of a mobile monetization panel and Phil's keynote, which are below. Looking forward to next year's event!
Mobile Monetization & Distribution
Description: "This panel will explore the best strategies for developers to nail down monetization, distribution, and discovery in an ever growing and changing ecosystem. Our panelists will share insights and perspective that will help you get ahead in the mobile race."
Phil McKinney, ex CTO of Hewlett Packard
Bio: Phil founded and oversaw HP's Innovation Program Office (IPO). IPO is a separately staffed and funded team chartered to identify and incubate adjacency and fundamentally new technologies, products and businesses for HP. Over the course of his career, he has been profiled or had his work on innovation written about in media outlets ranging from tech press to Vanity Fair, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. McKinney also writes a column for Forbes called "The Objective," hosts a popular "Killer Innovations" podcast that CIO Insight has called "a must listen," and tweets from his @philmckinney handle.
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