The best competitive intelligence for the native & html5 mobile app space

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As a founder of a kickass mobile app platform, AppMakr, I'm always ensuring that I'm on top of the latest trends in both the native and HTML5 spaces in mobile.
To help me do that, I've compiled about 100 RSS feeds of all types (blogs, twitter, news, and some secret sauce) on various companies in the space, and aggregated them on one east-to-use page. Think of it as a vertical-specific hacked-together social magazine you'll really use. (hmmm sounds like there's a business opportunity in there somewhere, doesn't it?)
What kind of crazy founder would provide this gem of a competitive intel guide to the public? The kind that wants the space to succeed, and in a big way. I'm very confident of our abilities at AppMakr to dominate this space, so I might as well give you the ability to see watch us do it :) .
If you believe there are companies missing from the list, just put the company name in the comments and I'll add it.