Stellar dcMOMO Event: Digital Media and Mobile Content

I'm back in DC from SF for a week, which coincided with a dcMOMO event which I attended last night. Mad props to Suni Vaidya for building up dcMOMO (the DC chapter of the international Mobile Monday organization). She's recently brought Oren Levine from Nokia, Hans Horn from Millennial Media and Kate Kingberger from CTIA on as board members. As a past board member before I moved to SF, I have a deep personal affinity for the group and continue to support it and its objective of educating audiences about the power of mobile within consumer and enterprise spaces.
The event last night was around Digital Media and Mobile Content. Here's the event description, and a video of the event is below:
Moderator: Jeff Tennery, SVP, Publisher Services, Millennial Media
- Demian Perry, National Public Radio (NPR)
- Katie Juhl, National Geographic
- Jamey Jeff, Discovery Channel
Jeff will lead a discussion with our panel about their strategies for the mobilization of digital media and content; how to reach and engage an ever-increasing mobile audience; and, what's in store for the future.
Hosted and Co-Sponsored by:
Hogan Lovells US LLP - A global legal practice with 112 year history
Millennial Media - The Mobile Advertising Platform
And here's the video of the event: