PotomacTechWire's Mobile Outlook 2010 Event at Ritz Carlton
I was a panelist at the Potomac Tech Wire's annual Mobile Outlook 2010 event. It was an excellent event. Here are details; video is below.
From the Potomac Tech Wire Event Description:

Mobile Outlook 2010 is part of the Potomac Tech Wire breakfast series that brings together senior executives in the Mid-Atlantic to discuss technology issues in a conversational, roundtable environment moderated by the editor of Potomac Tech Wire. This panel will focus on the overall outlook and major developments in the mobile industry, including the rapid growth of mobile applications, developments in mobile advertising and content, competing mobile platforms, smartphone innovation, geo-targeting integration, and business model concepts.
Kevin Bertram, CEO, Distributive Networks
Matt Jones, VP, Mobile Strategy & Operations, Gannett Digital
Maurice McKenzie, Founder and President, YadaHome
Daniel Odio, Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer, PointAbout
Michael Sanford, Founder and President, FlipSide5
Moderator - Paul Sherman, Editor, Potomac Tech Wire
Note: Video is 120+ minutes long and may take up to 30 seconds to buffer