Inspiring young entrepreneurs at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology

Last week I spoke at TJHSS&T's Future Business Leaders of America club -- about 100 students who are not only science and tech geniuses at the #1 high school in the US, but also very interested in business and entrepreneurism. Thanks to Mayank Jain for the invite to speak -- I graduated from TJ in '94 and my brother Sam graduated in '03, so it was nice to be back, especially since we both live on the West Coast now.

I captured the content from my talk, titled How To Get What You Want, but the Kodak zi8 camera I use and love melted down during the event, so the audio gets very choppy very quickly and the video plays at 2x speed (sigh). Here are the slides, though, and you can still watch the video to get a feel for what the event was like. (You can also watch a previous talk I had at TJ where the video did work.)
Here's the video: