How I Moderate Panels + Previous Panel Examples
Here's how I like to moderate panels: (I might send you this link if you're a panelist on an upcoming panel I'm moderating)
- Send me one line to share about you. I like to handle the initial intros so we can get through them in 30 seconds and move on to giving the audience value.
- I'll ask the audience what they want us to cover via a show of hands. So be prepared for some dynamic topic-shifting.
- I'll split the panel into two parts. In part 1, I'll ask you questions. In part 2, we'll open it up to audience Q&A. I always try to make part 2 as much of the time as possible. I'll also have the audience submit questions via Twitter for dynamic Q&A during part 1.
- I'll work up a list of questions beforehand so you can come prepared and so I know who can best answer each question.
- Bring specifics. I love the sharing of specific stats, trends & experiences. Try not to generalize.
Here are some of the panels & presentations I've participated in or moderated:
CTIA Founder talk at Twilio 2015 | Changing the Conversation: Should Mobililty Rewire Your Social Strategy? 2013 | Keynote + Mobile Outlook 2013 | Digital Hollywood 2012 | How Mobile Disrupts Social As We Know It 2012 | Mobile Marketing: Beyond The Hype 2012 | Designing for Mobile Apps 2012 | Tablets & Media Panel at Canadian MUsic Week 2012 | Keynote at MobileX Cincinnati 2012 | 'What's App' Panel at NTCA 2012 | Dept of Homeland Security Mobile Panel at CES 2012 | LavaCon 2011 | Napa App Economy Event 2011| VentureBeat's MobileBeat 2011 | Disruptathon 2011 | Startup Mixology 2011 | Digital Media Conference 2011 | NAB Panel: HTML5 vs. Apps 2011 | Cliff Notes on Raising Your First $1 Million Through AngelList 2011 | Mobile Outlook 2011 | Intel AppUp 2011 | Mobile Outlook 2010 | Politics Online 2010 | Digital Hollywood 2010 | Social Media Outlook 2010 | American Marketing Association - Social Media 2010 | Digital Media Conference 2010 | SD Forum - Fundraising 2010 | Digital Media Conference 2009 | NVTC - Equal Footing 2008
You can find my bio here, which includes hi-res photos of me as well as the Socialize founding team.
Here are some photos from previous panels: