At Apple 2010 Worldwide Developer Conference

I'm here this week at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC), at the Miscone Center in San Francisco, CA. The conference sold out in 8 days, and this is the first time PointAbout has been able to send a representative.

This morning, Steve Jobs gave his keynote in which he introduced Apple's iPhone 4. But what hit me the most was how well Jobs captured the impending wave of mobile that's going to be hitting all of us in the upcoming years.

I've been drinking the mobile kool aid for 2 years now, so I've been living it, but there are some trends Jobs pointed out that mean that mobile will be affecting all of us in very significant ways. Namely:
- - Sensors which allow the Internet (also known as "all of humanity's knowledge") to interact with the mobile user in innovative ways. These sensors in the iPhone 4 include gyroscope (new), proximity sensors, compass, GPS and accelerometer.
- - FaceTime, Apple's new ability for users to make face-to-face phone calls
- - Full HD recording and editing of videos, right from the iPhone
Amazingly, Apple has shipped 100,000,000 mobile devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) and paid $1 Billion to iPhone developers. This wave is just starting, and PointAbout is in the middle of it. Here are pics I took of the WWDC keynote.