Who says Cincinnati doesn't get mobile?

Today I gave a keynote at the sold-out MobileX conference in Cincinnati.  I can't tell you how impressed I am by this group.   Brian, Therese, Evan and the entire crew did an amazing job scheduling and executing on this event, and it's no wonder it sold out.  Top notch facility and speakers.  They had camera crews throughout, so although I brought my own camera equipment as I always do to capture content, I'll likely just swap it out with theirs once it's live.

Here's video from the main keynote I did (slides are below):  The title was "Capitalizing on the Mobile Tsunami: Trends and how to Leverage them for Success."  I talk about mobile trends our company is seeing and provide a perspective of being a mobile entrepreneur for the past four years, first with the consulting company PointAbout, then the DIY app creation product AppMakr, and now with the social API Socialize.  I'd also like to credit my cofounders Sean Shadmand and Isaac Mosquera for their contributions to the content in this presentation, as we all bounce ideas off each other all day, and the final product is stellar.

Socialize & AppMakr breakout: After the keynote, I got to do a much more intimate break-out session to discuss Socialize and AppMakr in more detail.  We also touched on how to leverage social media in general, outside of mobile.   I referenced my Henry Ford blog but neglected to reference my post on why service providers should blog, which would've been perfect to discuss.

Slides from Keynote:

Being a mobile entrepreneur

Here's a great pano from the event, a relevant twitter feed below that.