Panel: Changing the Conversation: Should Mobililty Rewire Your Social Strategy?

I attended a great event run by MediaPost recently called the Mobile Insider Summit.

Here's the panel title & summary:

Changing the Conversation: Should Mobililty Rewire Your Social Strategy?
Date/Time: August 20, 9:15 AM Facebook got it. They needed a mobile ad strategy. Twitter got it. They realized tweets could be a TV programmers’ new BFF. Instagram definitely got it and built a massive new social network based on a core, unique mobile behavior – photo sharing. But have brands really mobilized their social strategies away from the desktop? The social networks are now in-store, in front of the TV, in the kitchen, even in bed, in the hands of “fans” and “friends” holding cameras and microphones. Where and how can brands change their social messaging, timing, campaign elements, offers, interactive prompts, paid and earned tactics to account for new contexts? Isn’t it time to change the conversation?

Here's the video:

And here are a few pics from the event: (You can find a full gallery of pics here).