My awesome sub-$500 HD Camera Setup

I've been using the Kodak Zi8 camera for several years now, and it's been a workhorse of my ability to capture content.  I originally reviewed the Zi6, and then reviewed the Zi8 more recently on this blog, and I also did a post on using a wide-angle lens with the Zi6 or Zi8.

But recently, I gave a speech at TJHSST and the Zi8 failed to record the video correctly, so I decided it was time to revisit my setup, since capturing content is so important to me (as per our company manifesto points #13 and #19).

The price of the Zi8 camera has come down so much since its launch (from above $200 to under $100 now) that I decided to use the following strategy:

Here's a video of the entire setup, with pics below that: