Mark Cuban plus PointAbout Named Top 100 Private Companies by OnMedia

That's me with Dave Rosenbloom, Mark Cuban, and Mack McKelvey

PointAbout was recently named one of the Top 100 private companies in the world to watch in 2010 by the OnMedia conference.  We didn't realize what an honor this was until we saw some of the stats:  The average Top 100 winner has been in business for 4 years and raised $14MM in venture funding.  PointAbout is only 18 months old and we're completely self-funded.

The keynote speaker at the event was Mark Cuban, whom I enjoyed meeting (how many tech icons literally have screaming women everywhere they go?  Apparently, Mark does, because I witnessed it first-hand!).  In his keynote, he encouraged the audience to take a chance with their content:  Try keeping it out of the aggregator's robots and see if you can monetize it.  Here's the full keynote and part of the panel:

And here's Mark on a Panel (partial recording):