Kodak zi8 Flip-Style camera rocks!

I previously wrote an in-depth blog on my social media hardware bag, and the Kodak zi6 flip-style camera in particular.

I've since upgraded to the new Kodak zi8 camera (available from Amazon.com for about $180) which is just amazing.  I can't say enough good things about this camera.

It has an external microphone jack (which the zi6 did not have) and it uses a rechargeable battery that can accept an external power connection during filming (meaning battery life is no longer an issue if you're near a plug, or if you're not near a plug, you can use an external battery pack like the Tekkon external battery pack, which uses 4 AA's).

At left is a picture of me using the zi8 along with the QuikPod to capture the content of a panel at a Digital Hollywood conference.

Here is a sample panel that was recorded with this camera (may take up to 30 seconds to start playing):