I've Got 10 Invites for SETT. Who Wants One?

I moved my blog over from Wordpress to SETT a bit over 6 months ago, and I've been absolutely loving it.

@Tynan, the creator of SETT, has given me ten invite codes for SETT, good for either a FREE personal plan, or 40% off a paid plan, for life.

If you want to scoop up one of these invite codes, here's how to do it:

Pick any blog I've written (other than this one) and make a comment on the thread.  In your comment, include the hashtag #GiveMeSETT .  I'll send the invite code to the 10 best comments I receive.  And by best, I mean thoughtful responses to the topics at hand.

Here are a few of my favorite blog posts that you can comment on:

Want to know why I like SETT so much?  Here's a comment I wrote on Tynan's blog that explains it:


WOOT!  Tynan, you & the SETT team have been working tirelessly for the past two years to get to this day.  ( I know because I've been watching it all happen!).

I remember when we were walking in Muir woods and you told me about this vision you had.  A vision for a blogging platform that would allow communities to participate in the conversation.  A vision for a new type of interaction among those who were passionate about the subject matter. At first I thought you were crazy for trying to unseat the big blogging platforms out there.  Then I got really excited as you described it in more detail, and I somehow talked you into letting me give it a try for my blog.  And I'm so happy I made the switch.  The SETT experience is leaps and bounds better than anything else that's out there.  And I know this is just the beginning.  I am SO excited to have other bloggers joining SETT.

Congratulations on your beta launch and the passion of the SETT community.  Everyone who switches to SETT will look back on this day as the start of something magnificent and be proud to have been involved.