How we got into The Wall Street Journal (and how you can too)

I wrote a blog in 2007 about how I get great press. I thought this would be a great time to update that blog, as we just got picked up by The Wall Street Journal twice in the same day.  You can read the first article here, and the second one here.

As you can see by the AppMakr press page, we've also been picked up in lots of other great publications, including TechCrunch, Mashable, CNET and many others.

I've made a video below about how I can consistently get great press with about a 10%-20% pickup rate (i.e., I send 10 emails, I'll get 1 to 2 articles out of it).

UPDATE:  Chris Dannen wrote a hilarious post in FastCompany about my efforts to get press & using him as an example (hey, any press is good press, right?)  Here's my video response to him:

You can play around with the app I made him by clicking here.