How I Moderate Panels + Previous Panel Examples

Here's how I like to moderate panels: (I might send you this link if you're a panelist on an upcoming panel I'm moderating)

  1. Send me one line to share about you. I like to handle the initial intros so we can get through them in 30 seconds and move on to giving the audience value.
  2. I'll ask the audience what they want us to cover via a show of hands. So be prepared for some dynamic topic-shifting.
  3. I'll split the panel into two parts. In part 1, I'll ask you questions. In part 2, we'll open it up to audience Q&A. I always try to make part 2 as much of the time as possible. I'll also have the audience submit questions via Twitter for dynamic Q&A during part 1.
  4. I'll work up a list of questions beforehand so you can come prepared and so I know who can best answer each question.
  5. Bring specifics. I love the sharing of specific stats, trends & experiences. Try not to generalize.

Here are some of the panels & presentations I've participated in or moderated:

CTIA Founder talk at Twilio 2015 | Changing the Conversation: Should Mobililty Rewire Your Social Strategy? 2013 | Keynote + Mobile Outlook 2013 | Digital Hollywood 2012 | How Mobile Disrupts Social As We Know It 2012 | Mobile Marketing: Beyond The Hype 2012 | Designing for Mobile Apps 2012 | Tablets & Media Panel at Canadian MUsic Week 2012 | Keynote at MobileX Cincinnati 2012 | 'What's App' Panel at NTCA 2012 | Dept of Homeland Security Mobile Panel at CES 2012 | LavaCon 2011 | Napa App Economy Event 2011| VentureBeat's MobileBeat 2011 | Disruptathon 2011 | Startup Mixology 2011 | Digital Media Conference 2011 | NAB Panel: HTML5 vs. Apps 2011 | Cliff Notes on Raising Your First $1 Million Through AngelList 2011 | Mobile Outlook 2011 | Intel AppUp 2011 | Mobile Outlook 2010 | Politics Online 2010 | Digital Hollywood 2010 | Social Media Outlook 2010 | American Marketing Association - Social Media 2010 | Digital Media Conference 2010 | SD Forum - Fundraising 2010 | Digital Media Conference 2009 | NVTC - Equal Footing 2008

You can find my bio here, which includes hi-res photos of me as well as the Socialize founding team.

Here are some photos from previous panels: