Here's $47 worth of awesomeness from AngelList

The fine folks over at AngelList have agreed to allow me to give their materials away to select individuals, under the following conditions:

1) You agree not to distribute copies of these materials (AngelList is a free service, and what little revenue they make comes from selling these materials.  So please don't violate their trust)

2) You agree not to provide other people access to this page

3) You'll tell the world how awesome AngelList is.  (OK I made that third one up myself, so consider it my request of you)

If you have friends that want the materials, ask them to put a comment on my blog and ask for the materials in the comment, and I'll evaluate everyone individually.

If you agree to these terms, feel free to download these materials -- and good luck!

  • Download Pitching Hacks.  Here's the description:  How to raise money from VCs and angel investors. We've founded companies like Epinions; helped start companies that are backed by Sequoia, Benchmark, and Kleiner Perkins; raised $100M or so for startups; and invested another $20M in about 12 companies. This book summarizes some of the lessons we've learned about pitching companies to investors.
  • Download the Venture Hacks Bible. Here's the description:  The Venture Hacks Blog: Good advice for startups. 31,000 subscribers and growing. 1000 pages, and growing. PDF. Constantly updated.
  • Download the sample capitalization table. (You can get instructions on how to use it here)