Get Rid of Grocery Shopping Once and For All, with Instacart

I just ordered Advil and yogurt for our office using Instacart, an incredibly awesome new service that delivers groceries to your door in under three hours.

Instacart has been in the news a lot lately, and is billing itself as 'Amazon for groceries with 3 hour delivery'.  The great thing is that it actually works.

I knew I was going to be sitting down with Instacart's CEO Apoorva Mehta, so I placed an Instacart order before-hand (something Apoorva says happens to him all the time, especially at VC pitches).  And viola, fifty minutes later Liz showed up with my Advil and yogurt order.  Watch the video above to see it in action.

Instacart is currently only live in San Francisco and the South Bay area but Apoorva hopes to expand into other markets in the coming year.

If you've ever dreamt of having groceries delivered to you in bed on a lazy Sunday morning, then give Instacart a try.  It's awesome.