A Hot Second with Dennis Crowley + Girls In Tech Interivew with Liz of AllThingsD

I and several hundred other SF hipsters got to spend some quality time with the GirlsInTech crew tonight watching Dennis Crowley talk about the rise of Foursquare, and why we should all check in more often.  Liz Gannes of the WSJ's AllThingsD did an hour-long interview with Dennis, who was in town scoping out office space for an expanded Foursquare presence in San Francisco.  Dennis said Foursquare is up to 8.5MM users and growing at 1MM users per month.  Dennis also talked about Foursquare vs. Facebook, as well as why Foursquare has stayed super focused on checking in with the real world.

The best line of the night was Dennis talking about the iPhone being a 'hot pocket' in your pants.  Oh, and also plenty of talk about Clippy, the MS Office paperclip, and how that relates to the future of mobile.  Check the video out for the full rundown.

But first, I got a hot second in with Dennis giving some tips to tech entrepreneurs:

Props again to Adriana (seriously, two events in one day?!  You're busy!) for setting this up along with the SF chapter of GirlsInTech (even if you're a guy, check it out, seriously).

Here's the video of the full event (more pics below):

I also got to peek around at FoundersDen, the new tech space for tech startups.  I still prefer SOMAcentral across the street, but FoundersDen has its high points.  Check out this pano of the space: